We can now give free advice and treatment via the Community Pharmacy Minor Ailment Scheme.
The Minor Ailments Scheme encourages people, who are exempt from paying for prescriptions, to visit their local pharmacist for any over the counter medicines rather than making GP appointments.
How does the minor ailments scheme work?
Patients only need to register once with a participating pharmacy.
Pharmacists can ask about symptoms confidentially to give relevant advice and patients will be advised to visit their GPs if further treatment is necessary.
Patients do not require an appointment with our pharmacists.
The scheme covers a range of short term treatments. Please Select Here to view a video outlining the Minor Ailments Scheme.
Please click here to see the scope of the Cumbria Minor Ailments Scheme
People are also reminded that they have a role in protecting their own health by managing their medication and choosing appropriate treatments. It is advised to keep a stock of over the counter medication in a medicine cabinet at home for example pain killers, antacids, plasters and other medications. Further advice to assist with self-care is available online at the NHS website: www.nhs.uk which includes a ‘Health A-Z’ section that details symptoms, conditions, medicines and treatments.
Please note that this scheme is limited to certain conditions and the pharmacist has the responsibility to ensure that it is being accessed fairly and correctly. We have been told that the scheme could be withdrawn if it is used as a way to stock up on medications.